
Author Archives: Mariel

Mariel’s Quesillo Venezolano

Mariel’s Quesillo Venezolano

La receta original es de mi mama. Yo le di un toque de nuevo Latino.  Mi alteración consiste en usar leche baja en grasa y sustituir la leche de vaca y la azúcar de la receta original por la leche evaporada y la leche condensada las cuales le dan un sabor especial. También decoro el quesillo con frutas frescas y uso un balsámico reducido para darle contraste. Para el caramelo, vea la receta de caramelo.


8 huevos

1 lata 14 oz de leche condensada (sin grasa si desea un postre bajo en grasa)

1 lata de 12 oz de leche evaporada (sin grasa si desea un postre bajo en grasa)

1/2 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla

2 cucharaditas de ron oscuro, brandy, or bourbon (opcional)

Una pisca de sal


Precaliente el horno a 325 grados.

Prepare el caramelo siguiendo la receta para caramelo. Una vez que el caramelo espesa y toma un color dorado, retírelo del fuego, viértalo en la quesillera o el molde, y cubra los lados del molde con caramelo evitando contacto. Deje enfriar a temperatura ambiente.

Utilizando una licuadora, batidora eléctrica o batidor de mano, mezcle las dos leches (condensada y evaporada), los huevos, la vainilla, la pisca de sal y el brandy, bourbon o ron si decide agregarlo.

Vierta la mezcla de quesillo sobre el caramelo.

Colocar la quesillera o el molde con el quesillo en el horno dentro de una bandeja más grande llena de agua hasta la mitad para cocinar el quesillo a Baño María.

Hornear de 20 a 30 minutos hasta que puedas introducir un palillo en el centro del quesillo y este salga limpio. Se debe revisar el horno cada 20 minutos para asegurarse de tener suficiente agua en la bandeja grande.

Cuando el quesillo esté listo, retírelo del horno y déjelo reposar por 30 minutos. Una vez a temperatura ambiente, ponga el molde en la nevera por 2 horas y dejé enfriar el quesillo.

Una vez frio, despegue los bordes con un cuchillo de mesa. Con cuidado, desmóldelo en un plato de servir.

Decórelo con frutas frescas y hojas de menta. También puede decorar con balsámico reducido. La acides le da un sabor delicioso.

Mariel Masque
Copyright 2014-2020
All Rights Reserved



Querida Musa, Lleno de actitud, un pinot noir envejecido en roble besa mis labios brindándome el sabor agridulce del fruto del grosellero, esa uva o baya globosa y jugosa de color rojo, blanco o negro. En un espacio sombreado en un bar sin mucho enredo, los ritmos exuberantes de Marruecos y España se abrazan enContinue Reading

Yellow Leaves by Mariel Masque

Okaloosa County, Florida, February 14, 1995 On four limbs over a carpet of fallen leaves, I no longer linger in scattered confusion. I watch the oncoming traffic through thick protective glasses, insert the thick nail inside the washer, and place its tip on the target. The hammer in my right hand is ready to strike,Continue Reading

Birth of A Poet

When I was 9, longing to reach my adored abuelo, I tried to swim back to the island from Palma Sola Beach. I got sucked by the riptide. There was no lifeguard on duty. With all my strength, I swam to reach the surface. My legs cramped. As the asthma attack evolved, the pull ofContinue Reading

Self Portrait

Hot chili pepper body, curvy torso,plumb breasts,bird of paradise head,peacock-fancy hair dress, and fish tail served over crisp lettuce bed. A tempting sea nymph,I dance on stone plate.Roasted pimento scents the air. Like in flies, these compound eyeswatch multiple realities at once. Go ahead,try to eat this sabe-lo-todo who grew up next to the asbestosContinue Reading


And I thought, let there be folds. And there were dark-pink, velvet‑soft, labia creases. And I said, let there be water. And a river rushed from her base, washing her rich terrain. And I said, let there be a breadth between her waters. And the tip of my tongue traveled the length of her hipsContinue Reading

Birth of a Poet by Mariel Masque

“There is something magical about the Jabillo tree,” Rene said facing the spiny evergreen. Much like her new lover, Alina Fuentes, the tree’s determined personality captured Rene’s attention. Covered with verdant foliage, its bountiful umbrella-shaped branches extended in radial form to offer a generous shade. Although it naturally grew on rolling hills, pasture fields, andContinue Reading

A Love Letter to The Ancestors

  By M.E. Wakamatsu, September 26, 2018 Allusions to classical mythology, colonialist history, island politics, art history and scripture are woven through an engaging story full of sensual detail, poetic language and cinematic quality. The Butterfly’s Ring, Mariel Masque’s maiden voyage into the novel form, blends the genres of Jorge Amado, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, andContinue Reading

A Letter From Luz

  Honorable First Lady, Čestitam Melanija, as your mother would say. Congratulations, Melania! You are the first woman not born in the United States to become the First Lady. As an immigrant and a world traveler, you understand from personal experience how easy it is to shift roles from host to stranger. I am gladContinue Reading

The Bench

  They came from nowhere! Yellow machines with sharp teeth bit into the roof, the walls, the window sills the sacred spaces in between. Urban sharks shredded the work of generations, spat out the young ones’ dreams on piles of construction debris dusting the calming breeze They came from nowhere! Metal and chain covered theContinue Reading